Manifestation vs. Magnetism & How to Get What you Want

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

This a solo episode to support you in learning the difference between manifestation and magnetism and how to begin attracting all of your deepest desires. In this episode, we dive into how to start healing your emotional body and clear out stagnation in this department. When our childhood memories and emotional ties are still alive inside of us, it’s hard to move forward and change what’s possible for you.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to get what you want without having “to-do” more, push force or feel the need to achieve. In my early “manifestation” days I got caught in the trap of Instagram & Tik-Tok manifestation trends. This brought me to bypass the true techniques. We dive into the biggest technique to start practicing to get what you want. I teach you how to be a totally magnetized woman to call in the life of your dreams.



  • The 7 feminine archetypes

  • The trials & tribulations of evolving

  • Letting people, places, and things go to get what you want

  • Being a disrupter & why it’s important

  • Emotional maturity & how to embody it


Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes




How to Let Go of "The Shoulds" & Actually Do What you Want


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