How to Embody your Feminine Essence in the Modern World

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

What is your feminine energy asking of you, really?! This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. In this episode, I share where the heck I've been since the last episode on July 18th, what to expect in my corner of the internet, and of course we dive into where we'll start together... the stages of feminine awakening. 

I've shared this on the pod before and will share it over and over again. This step-by-step guide is here for the nurturer and inner feminine leader ready to embody her entirety. This episode will give you a really great idea of where on your journey you are and what self-care you can do in each phase along the way to hold your inner child throughout her current experience. This is a must-listen for all women. Wherever you are on your journey, I see you, I love you and I'm so dang proud of you. 

We also dive into: 

  • Masculine and feminine energies and how to bring them into balance in your world

  • What we've been experiencing astrologically since December 2019

  • Where we're moving energetically as a collective in the coming months

  • How to embody each phase of your awakening and how we can work together moving forward as In Power Coaching comes to a close and The School od Ritual is born

Tune in weekly on Mondays for new episodes




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