You’ve just landed in the biggest slumber party on the internet…

Are you a woman craving a deeper connection to yourself? Are you ready to express yourself in a more pleasure-filled way? Are you ready to share your truest voice with the world & have an impact on others along the way?

Here on the pod we express ourselves freely and talk about life through the female lens. We dive into yummy themes like; Womb Wellness, Spiritual Energetics & Embodiment, Feminine New Paradigm Leadership, and Soul-Sourced Entrepreneurship.

This online community is a place where it's encouraged to embody your wholeness; mind, body, heart, voice, and soul. Tune in weekly on Mondays to learn from women like you, leading themselves and creating their legacy; guides, teachers, healers, speakers, and other new paradigm leaders excited to share their wisdom with you!

Episodes vary in style and length to snuggle nicely into your days. 170+ episodes available; interviews, solo’s, rituals & bonus episodes available. Listen on: Spotify, Apple & Amazon Podcasts.

Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli

What do you stand for & are you honoring yourself?!

There is a lot of change in the air and when transition hits it's integral that we know what we stand for to keep us anchored into ourselves. In this episode, Erin dives into how to lean into ourselves as a safe guidance system. Learn how to tap into your heart and womb as a way forward in not only your life but also your business. "What do you I stand for" is a question we really should be asked earlier on in life (before adulthood). But sadly our Western culture doesn't operate like that. 

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Transform Your Relationship with Money PT 2

The secret no one told us is that money has nothing to do with money at all. It all has to do with the connection we have with our root chakra and our own worthiness. Money is a man-made construct to create power over others but when we step out of the constraints of money, is when we really find our inner freedom. Each charka supports us in a different area of our life and when we talk about the root we're talking about the safety and security we feel in ourselves. When this center is optimally functioning we are not afraid of not receiving.

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My 31 Year Body Acceptance Journey PT 1

Do you ever wonder how to embody more of who you are but are not sure where to start? The inner child, the inner teenager, the inner mother, and the inner mistress are all integral parts of who are as women. I break down how to begin to give love and attention to each of these aspects of your life and why it's going to change your life by doing so. For so long women have played nice, been the good girl, and listened to instruction with the fear of authentic expression, no more. 

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How to Embody the 4 Faces of your Feminine Expression

Do you ever wonder how to embody more of who you are but are not sure where to start? The inner child, the inner teenager, the inner mother, and the inner mistress are all integral parts of who are as women. I break down how to begin to give love and attention to each of these aspects of your life and why it's going to change your life by doing so. For so long women have played nice, been the good girl, and listened to instruction with the fear of authentic expression, no more. 

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How to Create Mature Boundaries & Amplify your Emotional Intelligence

This episode is jammed packed with goodness for you on all things boundaries. I teach you the different tiers of boundaries; beginner, intermediate and advanced so that you can see where you are and what to do from there. I also dive into the difference between public boundaries and private ones which is a game changer in your energy levels right away, just sayin'.

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Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli

Life Update + The Sacred Pillars of Personal Alignment

I share where I've been, some life updates exclusive to the podcast community, and the sacred pillars of real alignment in your life. Because of all of the life changes in the past weeks, I've learned big lessons on patience, divine timing, and trusting the bigger picture. I share a bit about them all and about how to receive the unexpected. Life has this funny way of giving us exactly what we need but usually not in the way we expected ... well that happened to me. Tune in for the full scoop! 

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Wholesomama Teaches us How to use Ancient, Holistic Practices to Nourish Ourselves in the Now

Jenna shares her multi-faceted nature in this episode. The convo could have flowed for hours and it feels like we covered lifetimes in just one hour. Jenna shares vulnerably about her journey with depression, what that looked like for her, and how she found her way back to herself through the very practices she now shares with the world.

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How to Embody your Feminine Essence in the Modern World

What is your feminine energy asking of you, really?! This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. In this episode, I share where the heck I've been since the last episode on July 18th, what to expect in my corner of the internet, and of course we dive into where we'll start together... the stages of feminine awakening. 

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Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli

How to Connect to Your Inner Teenager & Express Your Sexuality

What is your inner teenager trying to express? During our teenage years, we learn to suppress SO MUCH, especially about our sexuality. Whether we realize it or not, everything that we suppressed back then can trickle into adulthood and keep us from living in our fullest expression. This episode is a visualization meditation for you to connect with the version of yourself that felt like she needed to hide and hold back so that she can get the permission she needs to express and own her wildest desires.

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Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli

How to Manage Your Time & Energy Through Effective Boundaries

How do you know if your boundaries are actually working for you? Boundaries are here to help you stay connected to your mission and stand in your power, but it can sometimes be difficult to enforce them if the boundary is not realistic or aligned. In this episode, we’re talking all about how to set effective boundaries that expand your energy and feel good to enforce.

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Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli Feminine New Paradigm Leadership Erin Chiarelli

Transition Into Being a Sovereign Woman with Laura Abate

Laura Abate is a beautiful example of the magic that happens in your business when you show up for yourself authentically, and today she’s on the pod to talk all about it! We chat about what her business looked like before and after she went through In Power coaching, and how inner child healing and de-conditioning from the patriarchy played such a huge role.

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